Saddle up and let's ride down the trail of tales or tails.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Today I rode Lil English style. Yea. When I got to Miss Wendy’s, I was so excited to ride English but it is also different to saddle.

For one, you use a girth not a cinch. Also you have to put the girth on and it is really different. When we got to the arena you have to tighten the girth kind of like a cinch. Then I had to put the stirrups down. I have to put the girth on and it is really different. When we got to the arena you have to tighten the girth kind of like a cinch. Then I had to put the stirrups down. They will hit the horse. It also feels different because on an English saddle, when you trot, you immediately want to posting trot so I did and it was fun.

 Note: I asked that they stay over so I could video the tacking process to work on video lessons.

Today I was a move star. It was fun but tiring. After I was done riding I helped Miss Wendy make a video. It was fun. I had to get all the tack ready and show them where to get it and then I had to go get my horse and tie her up and then saddle. I had to unsaddle then put my tack up but it was fun. And poor Lil had to be saddled, ridden, and then unsaddled and then for the video I did almost the same thing just not riding her. After all that I got to help Miss Wendy feed and that was fun. So today I had a fun and tiring day.

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