Saddle up and let's ride down the trail of tales or tails.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Today I rode Lil English style. Yea. When I got to Miss Wendy’s, I was so excited to ride English but it is also different to saddle.

For one, you use a girth not a cinch. Also you have to put the girth on and it is really different. When we got to the arena you have to tighten the girth kind of like a cinch. Then I had to put the stirrups down. I have to put the girth on and it is really different. When we got to the arena you have to tighten the girth kind of like a cinch. Then I had to put the stirrups down. They will hit the horse. It also feels different because on an English saddle, when you trot, you immediately want to posting trot so I did and it was fun.

 Note: I asked that they stay over so I could video the tacking process to work on video lessons.

Today I was a move star. It was fun but tiring. After I was done riding I helped Miss Wendy make a video. It was fun. I had to get all the tack ready and show them where to get it and then I had to go get my horse and tie her up and then saddle. I had to unsaddle then put my tack up but it was fun. And poor Lil had to be saddled, ridden, and then unsaddled and then for the video I did almost the same thing just not riding her. After all that I got to help Miss Wendy feed and that was fun. So today I had a fun and tiring day.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The sun has set as I walk to the house. In the distance - a truck horn honking - the tune is 'large animal (one or more) not where they should be and please go back quietly.' Thankfully, all mine fed and accounted for.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Shag has soured out a bit with the students. This means he doesn’t want to work for them and he is not going to listen. He and the student get into a tug of war resistance and he wins (only a 900# advantage in most cases).

I stopped using him for students a few weeks ago and I rode him. I rode bareback just walking for several rides so he could ‘tell’ me what the problems were.

The biggest was that people were relying on the reins for communication instead of taking their time to ask for what they wanted in the proper sequence. He let me know that if we will use words, sound and body for communication he is not only willing to listen but happy to give us what we ask.

This week I put a student on him for the first time and shared what I found. The last time she rode him it was the tug of war. This time, with the new approach, she was in high spirits. He became a willing partner for her and she learned so much about her responsibilities as a rider. All they did was walk but this a powerful lesson.

The rider enjoyed bareback because she felt she received so much more information from Shag than when she rides with a saddle.


Thursday, February 7, 2013


One of my young riders was experiencing night-mares. As mom told me about it I wondered if NRG could be of help. I suggested that she print out the logo picture size and put it at the child’s night light where it could be seen upon waking. That way there would be light and something familiar and positive if a nightmare came on.

They have had a chance to try it and the report is that it is working. The child can remember the really good horse ride they had and feel protected by the horse. So far, no more coming in to mom in the middle of the night having been scared.